2024. január 29-február 2 között a világ múmiakutatói a Semmelweis Múzeum a, Magyar Egyiptomi Baráti Társaság és a Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum által szervezett és a Nemzeti Kulturális Alap támogatásával megvalósuló, A múmiák és az Egyiptomiak címmel szervezett nemzetközi antropológiai konferencián mutatják be a legújabb vizsgálati eredményeiket.
Ez a konferencia a 2019-ben az Fókuszban a múmiák – Egészség és életmód az ókori Egyiptomban címmel tartott és a Nephthys Projekt kezdetét jelentő konferencia folytatása, a projektek lezárása az eredmények ismertetése.
A konferencia programja:
29th January, 2024 – Monday
Opening / greetings
30th January, 2024 – Tuesday
Keynote Lecture:
Mummiographies. The bioarchaeology of mummies and mummification at Vilnius University
Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius University, LT
1. session, Investigation of mummies
Prof. Rosalie DAVID,
The Potential of Proteomics for Disease Studies in Egyptian Mummies
The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
Stanisław SZILKE, Maciej JAWORSKI,
Imaging techniques of Egyptian mummies
Mummy Research Center/Warsaw Mummy Project, PL
Wojciech EJSMOND, Marzena OZAREK-SZILKE, Stanisław SZILKE, Maciej JAWORSKI,
Warsaw Mummy Project – current state of the research and perspectives
Mummy Research Centre/Warsaw Mummy Project, PL
Krisztina SCHEFFER,
Mummy feet from the László family in the Semmelweis Museum / Nephthys Project
HNM Semmelweis Museum for Medical History, Budapest, HU
2. session, Investigation of mummies
Alexandra MUSSAUER,1,2 Christina WURST1,3,Alice PALADIN1, Valentina COIA1, Frank MAIXNER1, Albert ZINK1,2
Genetic study of Predynastic to early Islamic ancient Egyptian human remains
1Eurac Research. Institute for Mummy Studies, Bolzano, IT • 2Faculty of Biology, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Munich, DE • 3Palaeogenetics Group, Institute of Organismic and Molecular Evolution, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Mainz, DE
Robert LOYNES,1 Sabina MALGORA,1 Jonathan ELIAS,1 Chantal MILANI,1 Albert ZINK,1,2 Patrizia PERNTER,3 Elmar GOBBI,4 Tiziano ROSANO4
The Lady of Meran
1Mummy Project, Italy • 2Institute for Mummy Studies, Eurac Research, IT • 3Bolzano Hospital, IT • 4Palais Mamming, Meran, IT
Alicia MARAVELIA,1 Nikolaos BONTOZOGLOU,2 Argyro GRIGORAKI,3 Panagiotis LAZARIS,2 Costas COUVARIS2 et alii
Beginning of the Athens Mummy Project. Part 2: Preliminary Results
1Hellenic Institute of Egyptology, Athens • 2Athens Medical Centre Group • 3National Archaeological Museum, Athens, GR
Robert KUHN,1 Barbara TEßMANN2 et alii,
Gebelein at the Staatliche Museen Preußischer Kulturbesitz Berlin. A review of the human remains and archaeological objects
1Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin • 2Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, GE
3. session, Exhibitions
Campbell PRICE,
Golden mummies exhibition, Manchester
Manchester Museum, UK
Yekaterina BARBASH,
Funeral Gallery in the Brooklyn Museum, New York
Egyptian, Classical and Ancient Near Eastern Art Brooklyn Museum, USA
Michele Lorraine KOONS,
Old Friends, New Tales: The Mummies and Coffins of the Denver Museum of Nature & Science
Denver Museum of Nature & Science, Colorado, USA
A new vision for exhibiting the royal mummies at the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization
National Museum of Egyptian Civilization, Cairo, EG
31st January 2024. Wednesday
Keynote Lecture:
Albert ZINK
The multidisciplinary study of ancient Egyptian mummies
Institute for Mummy Studies, Eurac Research, Bolzano, IT
4. session, Human remains at excavations
A case of either Brucellosis or Tuberculosis in a New Kingdom double burial, Saqqara, Egypt
Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, EG
Samar Ahmed Abu-Dahab Haredy MOHAMED,
The Discoveries at Tanis street cemetery site “Burial practices at the eastern cemetery of Alexandria”
Scientific Training Center of Western Delta and Alexandria, EG
Claudia CARVALHO1, Sabina MALGORA,2 Paula VEIGA,3
Survey of the human remains in the funerary Complex of Harwa and Akhamunru (TT37 and TT404) in Luxor – updated information
1Museu Nacional (MN), Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) • 2Mummy Project Milan, IT • 3Institut für Ägyptologie, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, DE
5. session, Human remains at excavations
Zoltán FÁBIÁN,1 Orsolya LÁSZLÓ,2
Human remains from the Hungarian excavation at Khokha
1Károly Gáspár Reformed University • 2Hungarian National Museum, Budapest, HU
Yolanda de la TORRE ROBLES,1 Inmaculada Alemán AGUILERA,2 Ángel Rubio SALVADOR2
New data concerning the individuals from the Tombs of the Nobles in West Aswan: anthropological and historical issues
1University of Jaén, ES • 2University of Granada, ES
Anthropological Studies of Mummies and Skeletal Remains from Naqlun Cemeteries in the Fayum Oasis
Mummy Research Centre/Warsaw Mummy Project, PL
6. session, Conservation / Restauration
Sustainability: Innovative Conservation Strategies for Damaged Human Remains Due to Bad Displaying in the Egyptian Textile Museum
1Egyptian Museum, Cairo • 2Ain Shams University, Cairo • 3Cairo University, Cairo, EG
A Reflective Review of the Manchester Mummy Tissue Bank, University of Manchester
School of Biological Sciences, The University of Manchester, UK
Magdalena ŁAPTAS,1 Marzena OZAREK-SZILKE,2 AbdelRahman MEDHAT,3 Tomasz POBOZY,4 Wafaa HABIB,5 Mohammed Abd El RAHMAN6
Reality or idealization? A comparison between the mummy portrait of a woman in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo and her real remains
1History of Art Institute, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, PL • 2Mummy Research Centre/Warsaw Mummy Project, PL • 3Department of Conservation, Egyptian Museum in Cairo, EG • 4Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Ciechanów Hospital, Ciechanów, PL • 5Egyptian Museum in Cairo, Department of Greeco-Roman Antiquities, EG • 6Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, EG
Chantal MILANI,
From Forensics to Museums: Facial Reconstruction in the Historical-Archaeological Context
Mummy Research Center/Warsaw Mummy Project, PL
1st February 2024. Thursday
Keynote Lecture:
Salima Ikram
7. session, Mummification
Embalming deposits of the Late Period: their content, meaning and significance
Czech Institute of Egyptology, Charles University, CZ
Exploring mummification practices in the 25th Dynasty Theban necropolis
Department of Egypt and Sudan at the British Museum, UK
Laura GEEST,
A smile to die for: An analysis of oro-facial trauma caused by the Opening of the Mouth procedure
Classics and Ancient Civilisations, Egyptology, Leiden, NL
Poster – Valerie BOUDET,
An investigation of the treatment of the human feet during human anthropogenic mummification in ancient Thebes
Biomedical Egyptology at the University of Manchester, UK
8. session, Conservation / Restauration
Francesca RUSSO,
Cartonnage papyri, a complex phenomenon
University of Kent, Canterbury, UK
Abdelmoniem M. ABDELMONIEM,
Unveiling the Hidden Secrets: Multi Analytical Techniques of Anthropoid Wooden Coffin from Late Period, Egypt
Department, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University, Fayoum, EG
Abdelmoniem M. ABDELMONIEM,
Digital Epigraphy of an Anthropoid Wooden Coffin from the Late Period in Egypt
Department, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University, Fayoum, EG
Lidija McKNIGHT,
3D Printing in Mummy Studies: visualisation, identification and engagement
University of Mancheste, UK
9. session, Life and animal mummies
Hassaan Mohamed ALI AHMED,
Third Intermediate Period Building Materials in the Theban Cemetery
Mansoura University, EG
The afterlife belief was the cornerstone of the Ancient Egyptian civilization
Faculty of Arts and Social Siences, Sultan Qaboos University, Sultanate Oman (OM)
József KOVÁCS, Zsigmond HAJDÚ et alii,
Fish mummy in the Déri Múzeum
Déri Múzeum, Debrecen, HU
Ottó SOSZTARITS et alii,
Crocodile mummy in the Iseum and crocodile cult
Savaria Museum – Iseum Saveriense, Szombathely, HU
2nd February 2024. Friday
trip to Vác, Tragor Ignác Múzeum
Presentation of the Story of the Vac Mummies
guided tour in the Museum exhibition
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